We are here to help with your quality assurance needs.

CALIFORNIA SB 721 Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE) Deck Inspections mandates the inspection and repair of balconies, decks, and stairs that rely in whole or in substantial part on wood structural support (exterior elevated elements) in multi-family residential buildings with three or more dwelling units. Inspection is also required before close of escrow on any condo conversions. Our field Consultants are certified, accredited professionals with waterproofing expertise and can help ensure your projects and communities are in compliance with the laws.
EIFS Inspection Services are conducted by certified EIFS Inspectors (CEI) and can include review of submittals, shop drawings, plans and RFIs relating to the EIFS assemblies. Our inspectors are accredited by AWCI and have extensive knowledge in building envelope design, construction, and installation.
Property Conditions Assessment Reports (PCAR) are completed by our qualified Consultants to help identify any deficiencies, flaws, defects, or other issues and provides a thorough written and photographic analysis detailing the overall condition of the property.
Draw Requests verify loan draw amounts relative to field construction progress and provide a photographic record of project status at time of draw request. Our third-party verification allows for disbursement of funds to the general contractor, owner, receiver, and/or trustee for work completed.
Sustainable Building Consulting is an integral part of how we approach projects company wide. Most of our team members have received specialized training in “green building” practices to provide effective oversight and guidance to project owners. This is important when clients are choosing to either implement their own green building plans or adopt existing, recognized sustainable building programs. Recognizing the many “shades of green building”, such a determination is driven by our clients’ philosophy and intent to achieve desired sustainability goals.
Insurance Audits are provided to the insurer and consist of a property assessment including a site visit, interviews, and analysis of plans, reports, tests and various other documents to determine the insurance exposure for the coverage provided.
Forensic Investigation Services are provided on a case by case basis for special needs projects, in which ownership requires support and guidance for construction defect claims and related cost of repair issues. Services have included expert witness testimony, coordinating testing of construction components, and preparing detailed estimates for repair options.
QSP Inspector Services includes SWPPP Water Testing, Project Environmental Coordinator (PEC) Services, and Storm Water Compliance per industry requirements. Selected team members carry various SWPPP credentials with experience in states from California to Florida. These credentials include QSP, CESSWI, CPESC and the Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector Certification, issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.